Troubleshooting NSX Stateful Active Active mode

NSX version introduces support for stateful services on Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways in Active-Active HA mode, where one Service Router (SR) can span multiple active edge nodes. This feature offers improved resource usage and scale-out for higher performance.

This article introduces a three-step troubleshooting approach that can be used to determine the traffic path to a target IP, for an NSX network topology that uses this feature.

In this example, NSX Edge-1 and Edge-2, are members of an NSX 4.0.1 Edge cluster.

  • The Tier-0 SR is in stateful active active mode, spanning two Edges.

Step 1: Determine the uplink interface UUIDs

Step 2: Determine the group interface HA details

Step 3: Determine the path to a target IP address

The Result:

We have done it!

Using the NSX Edge CLI, in this example we have determined that the path to target IP is over Edge-2.

Command Summary:

Here are a summary of the NSX Edge commands we used:

get logical-routersDisplay information about the logical routers.
get logical-router <UUID> high-availability statusDisplay the high availability status for the specified logical router.
get logical-router interfacesDisplay information for all logical router interfaces.
get logical-router interface <UUID> interface-groups high-availabilityDisplay high availability information for an group interface.
get logical-router interface <UUID> shadow-macs ip <IP-Address>Determine the path to a target IP address.

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