Gary Hills | B.Eng VCP6-NV VCAP-NV VCIX-NV vEXPERT 2020-2024
Staff Technical Content Developer at VMware by Broadcom

With over 20 years of Network Engineering experience and the past eight years at VMware supporting NSX customers, this blog is one VMware Employee’s attempt to demystify the complexities of NSX.
But what inspired the blog name, spill the NSX?
I learned the expression “spill the tea” from one of my favourite millennials, which uses it as an expression to get the juicy gossip!
My VMware work experience includes:
- Over 3 years as a Staff technical Content Developer at VMware, with a focus on NSX and VCF eLearning content creation
- Over 5 years as a Staff Virtualization Engineer at VMware, with a focus on supporting NSX customers
Opinions expressed are my own.